Scheduling & Resources for Insight Fertility Clients
Client Scheduling:
Amanda Isbell, FCP clients schedule here:
Kate Decker, CFCP clients schedule here:
Sarah Rooney, CFCP clients schedule here:
Materials Reorder:
Materials are replenished to clients current in follow-ups at no extra charge. If you are current in follow-ups just get in touch and we'll get you what you need. If you're behind in follow-ups, schedule an appointment and you'll receive your materials through your follow-up.
Want to learn more? Check these out!
Natural Womanhood: - Women are told that contraceptives are harmless. Powerful drugs or devices are pushed on them as the only effective birth control methods or even as medical treatment. We believe women deserve better. Our goal is to inform all women about the risks of contraceptives and the benefits of fertility charting for health and effective pregnancy planning.
FACTS: Fertility Appreciation Collaborative to Teach the Sciences: - FACTS is a group of physicians, healthcare professionals and educators working together to provide information about natural or fertility awareness based methods of family planning with the medical community.
Looking for other restorative reproductive health professionals? FACTS has a new directory!
The Aligned Cycle: - Use your menstrual cycle and unique rhythms to thrive. Align your work to your cycle to support both your design and your dreams. Megan is a colleague of ours, and has a great free resource that teaches you the phases of your cycle and how to work best in each phase.
Sync Up! Exercise & Your Cycles (Mini-Course):
Your guide to building an exercise routine that supports the natural, hormonal fluctuations of your female cycle. Mairead is another colleague of ours that is a fertility awareness instructor and certified athletic trainer, and this course is packed with essential info!
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy: is a directory for patients searching for pelvic rehabilitation practitioners. See our blog post about the importance of pelvic floor health for all women!
Earthley Wellness: A great company with herbal supplements that we have found to be very supportive to healthy fertility. You can see their hormone balance products here:
Miscarriage Support: We are so, so sorry for the loss of your child. It breaks our hearts that anyone would need this information, but we know that in reality, many parents are experiencing this pain every day and have many questions about what the Catholic Church teaches and what to do next. We hope we can help you find some answers. While many topics on this website are specifically related to Catholicism, non-Catholics are certainly more than welcome to use all of the very practical and supportive information presented here.
*We provide external links for your convenience, but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchases on other sites listed here.